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Zack Norman (Terrance Hackley)
Tammy Grimes (Joy Hackley)
Michael J. Pollard (Bob Jolly)
Richard Belzer (Gypsy Beam)
Monroe Arnold (Floyd Praeger)
Liz Torres (Dolores Frantico)
Pablo Ferro (Hector Frantico)
David Kerman (Mr Management)
Howard Thomashefsky (Earl Justice)
Michael Bahr (Martin Lang)
Laura Ashton (Tina Lyle)
F. D. Herrick (Mr Hackley)
Evelyn Zuker (Mme Hackley)
Robert Downey Jr. (Paulie Hackley)
Lori Ann Zuker (Tracy Hackley)
Michael Sullivan (Neil Jolly)
Marie Reynolds (La secrétaire de Mr Management)
Corrine Alphen
Judy Gilmer
Gayle Gari
Minnie Gentry (Mme Justice)
Chuck Griffin (James)
Ron Nealy (Bobby Bolero)
Forrest Murray (Buddy Bolero)
Melvin van Peebles (L'homme interviewé)
Florence Regina
Stanley Ackerman
Sonia Zomina (Mme Ratofsky)
Henry Judd Baker
David Houlle
Joseph G. Graham
Robert N. Altman
Michael Rubenstein (Roland, the Hit Man)
Rudy Wurlitzer (George, the Hit Man)
Elliott Schwartz
David Lubell (Vincent Castrato)
Tony Rampino
Rick Newman
Debbie Ewing
Cecelia Norfleet
Cedering Fox
Dana Lorge
Jinja Nicole
Joe Fields
Veronica Brown
Katherine Diamond
Linda Humes
Robert Louis King
John Copley Quinn
Joan Mayno
Glenn Farnham
Stuart Warmflash
Nadine Darling
Dene Hart
John Christopher
Rila Bennett
James Moises
Elisabeth Senn
Kevin Michael Smith
Alexander Barsuk
Alvin Alexis
C. Vaughn Hazell
Leon Hutchinson

Fiche N°194568 - vues 5 fois