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Séries et Mini-Séries
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Anthony O'Sullivan
Acteur, réalisateur
Né en
Décédé le
5 juillet 1920
The black hand
Wallace McCutcheon
Yale laundry
Réalisateur inconnu
Dr. Skinum
Wallace McCutcheon
Mr. Gay and Mrs.
Réalisateur inconnu
Professional jealousy
Wallace McCutcheon
Lonesome junction
Réalisateur inconnu
The yellow peril
Wallace McCutcheon
A famous escape
Wallace McCutcheon
King of the cannibal islands
Wallace McCutcheon
Hulda's lovers
Wallace McCutcheon
The sculptor's nightmare
Wallace McCutcheon
Thompson's night out
Wallace McCutcheon
'Ostler Joe
Wallace McCutcheon
The invisible fluid
Wallace McCutcheon
The man in the box
Wallace McCutcheon
Over the hill to the poorhouse
Stanner E. V. Taylor
At the crossroads of life
Wallace McCutcheon Jr.
The kentuckian
Wallace McCutcheon
The stage rustler
Wallace McCutcheon
La vipère noire
D.W. Griffith
Deceived slumming party
D.W. Griffith
Une déclaration difficile
D.W. Griffith
The greaser's gauntlet
D.W. Griffith
The fatal hour
D.W. Griffith
Monday morning in a Coney Island police court
D.W. Griffith
The red girl
D.W. Griffith
The pirate's gold
D.W. Griffith
The heart of an outlaw
D.W. Griffith
Mrs. Jones entertains
D.W. Griffith
A sound sleeper
D.W. Griffith
D.W. Griffith
Lucky Jim
D.W. Griffith
Twin brothers
D.W. Griffith
Tis an ill wind that blows no good
D.W. Griffith
The suicide club
D.W. Griffith
One busy hour
D.W. Griffith
The note in the shoe
D.W. Griffith
A baby's shoe
D.W. Griffith
The jilt
D.W. Griffith
D.W. Griffith
Eloping with auntie
D.W. Griffith
Two memories
D.W. Griffith
What drink did
D.W. Griffith
Le luthier de Crémone
D.W. Griffith
La villa solitaire
D.W. Griffith
The son's return
D.W. Griffith
Her first biscuits
D.W. Griffith
The faded lilies
D.W. Griffith
Was justice served ?
D.W. Griffith
The peachbasket hat
D.W. Griffith
The way of man
D.W. Griffith
Le collier
D.W. Griffith
The message
D.W. Griffith
The cardinal's conspiracy
D.W. Griffith
The renunciation
D.W. Griffith
Jealousy and the man
D.W. Griffith
A convict's sacrifice
D.W. Griffith
A strange meeting
D.W. Griffith
Mr. Jones' burglar
D.W. Griffith
They would elope
D.W. Griffith
The better way
D.W. Griffith
With her card
D.W. Griffith
Mrs. Jones' lover; or, 'I want my hat'
D.W. Griffith
The indian runner's romance
D.W. Griffith
Le septième jour
D.W. Griffith
D.W. Griffith
The mills of the gods
D.W. Griffith
The little darling
D.W. Griffith
The sealed room
D.W. Griffith
Les renégats de 1776
D.W. Griffith
Getting even
D.W. Griffith
The broken locket
D.W. Griffith
In old Kentucky
D.W. Griffith
A fair exchange
D.W. Griffith
Leather stocking
D.W. Griffith
Le réveil
D.W. Griffith
Wanted, a child
D.W. Griffith
Pippa passes; or, the song of conscience
D.W. Griffith
A change of heart
D.W. Griffith
His lost love
D.W. Griffith
The expiation
D.W. Griffith
In the watches of the night
D.W. Griffith
Lines of white on a sullen sea
D.W. Griffith
The Gibson goddess
D.W. Griffith
What's your hurry ?
D.W. Griffith
Nursing a viper
D.W. Griffith
The light that came
D.W. Griffith
Two women and a man
D.W. Griffith
L'aventure de minuit
D.W. Griffith
The open gate
D.W. Griffith
The mountaineer's honor
D.W. Griffith
In the window recess
D.W. Griffith
The trick that failed
D.W. Griffith
The death disc : A story of the cromwellian period
D.W. Griffith
The red man's view
D.W. Griffith
Le spéculateur en grains
D.W. Griffith
D.W. Griffith
A trap for Santa Claus
D.W. Griffith
In little Italy
D.W. Griffith
Choosing a husband
D.W. Griffith
The day after
D.W. Griffith
The rocky road
D.W. Griffith
Her terrible ordeal
D.W. Griffith
The call
D.W. Griffith
The honor of his family
D.W. Griffith
The last deal
D.W. Griffith
The woman from Mellon's
D.W. Griffith
The englishman and the girl
D.W. Griffith
Taming a husband
D.W. Griffith
The final settlement
D.W. Griffith
The newlyweds
D.W. Griffith
The thread of destiny
D.W. Griffith
In old California
D.W. Griffith
The converts
D.W. Griffith
D.W. Griffith
The twisted trail
D.W. Griffith
Le bonheur et l'argent
D.W. Griffith
His last dollar
D.W. Griffith
Ainsi va la vie
D.W. Griffith
The two brothers
D.W. Griffith
A rich revenge
D.W. Griffith
The way of the world
D.W. Griffith
Up a tree
Frank Powell
The gold seekers
D.W. Griffith
An affair of hearts
Frank Powell
D.W. Griffith
A knot in the plot
Frank Powell
A child of the ghetto
D.W. Griffith
A victim of jealousy
D.W. Griffith
Never again
Frank Powell
A child's impulse
D.W. Griffith
What the Daisy said
D.W. Griffith
A flash of light
D.W. Griffith
An arcadian maid
D.W. Griffith
Her father's pride
D.W. Griffith
D.W. Griffith
The modern prodigal
D.W. Griffith
Muggsy becomes a hero
Frank Powell
Little angels of luck
D.W. Griffith
A mohawk's way
D.W. Griffith
In life's cycle
D.W. Griffith
The oath and the man
D.W. Griffith
Rose o' Salem town
D.W. Griffith
Le révolté
D.W. Griffith
That chink at Golden Gulch
D.W. Griffith
The masher
Frank Powell
The banker's daughters
D.W. Griffith
After the ball
Frank Powell
The goddess of Sagebrush Gulch
D.W. Griffith
The girl and her trust
D.W. Griffith
Mabel et les dynamiteurs
Mack Sennett
The tourists
Mack Sennett
A dangerous foe
A frightful blunder
A gamble with death
A gambler's honor
A tender-hearted crook
A welcome intruder
All for science
Her wedding bell
I was meant for you
In diplomatic circles
Olaf-an atom
Old coupons
Red and pete, partners
The crook and the girl
The law and his son
The mirror
The monument
The stolen treaty
The stopped clock
The strong man's burden
The switch tower
The tenderfoot's money
The van nostrand tiara
The vengeance of Galora
The well
The work habit
The wrong bottle
Under the shadow of the law
When love forgives
The stolen bride
The peddler's bag
As it happened
Her convert
Old offenders
The way out
Lonesome junction
Réalisateur inconnu
Filmographie N°48425 - vues 7 fois