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Florence Lawrence (1886-1938)
Née le :
2 janvier 1886
Décédée le
28 décembre 1938
The automobile thieves
J. Stuart Blackton
Daniel Boone
Edwin S. Porter
Athletic american girls
Réalisateur inconnu
Bargain fiend; or, shopping à la Mode
William V. Ranous
The shaughraun
J. Stuart Blackton
The despatch bearer; or, through the enemy's lines
Albert E. Smith
J. Stuart Blackton
The dancer and the king : A romantic story of Spain
J. Stuart Blackton
Cupid's realm; or, a game of hearts
J. Stuart Blackton
J. Stuart Blackton
Romeo and Juliet
J. Stuart Blackton
Lady Jane's flight
J. Stuart Blackton
Love laughs at locksmiths; an 18th century romance
J. Stuart Blackton
The viking's daughter : The story of the ancient norsemen
J. Stuart Blackton
The bandit's Waterloo
D.W. Griffith
Une déclaration difficile
D.W. Griffith
Betrayed by a handprint
D.W. Griffith
The girl and the outlaw
D.W. Griffith
Behind the scenes
D.W. Griffith
The red girl
D.W. Griffith
The heart of O'Yama
D.W. Griffith
Where the breakers roar
D.W. Griffith
A smoked husband
D.W. Griffith
Richard III
J. Stuart Blackton
The stolen jewels
D.W. Griffith
The devil
D.W. Griffith
The zulu's heart
D.W. Griffith
Father gets in the game
D.W. Griffith
Ingomar, the barbarian
D.W. Griffith
The vaquero's vow
D.W. Griffith
The planter's wife
D.W. Griffith
Romance of a jewess
D.W. Griffith
The call of the wild
D.W. Griffith
Concealing a burglar
D.W. Griffith
After many years
D.W. Griffith
Antony and Cleopatra
J. Stuart Blackton
The pirate's gold
D.W. Griffith
The taming of the shrew
D.W. Griffith
The song of the shirt
D.W. Griffith
The ingrate
D.W. Griffith
A woman's way
D.W. Griffith
The clubman and the tramp
D.W. Griffith
Julius Caesar
J. Stuart Blackton
Money mad
D.W. Griffith
The valet's wife
D.W. Griffith
The feud and the Turkey
D.W. Griffith
The reckoning
D.W. Griffith
The test of friendship
D.W. Griffith
An awful moment
D.W. Griffith
The Christmas burglars
D.W. Griffith
Mr. Jones at the ball
D.W. Griffith
The helping hand
D.W. Griffith
Love's stratagem
Harry Solter
Saul and David
J. Stuart Blackton
The awakening of Bess
Harry Solter
One touch of nature
D.W. Griffith
Mrs. Jones entertains
D.W. Griffith
The honor of thieves
D.W. Griffith
The sacrifice
D.W. Griffith
The criminal hypnotist
D.W. Griffith
Those boys !
D.W. Griffith
Mr. Jones has a card party
D.W. Griffith
The fascinating Mrs. Francis
D.W. Griffith
Ces sacrés chapeaux
D.W. Griffith
The cord of life
D.W. Griffith
The girls and daddy
D.W. Griffith
The Brahma diamond
D.W. Griffith
A wreath in time
D.W. Griffith
Tragic love
D.W. Griffith
His ward's love
D.W. Griffith
The curtain pole
D.W. Griffith
The Joneses have amateur theatricals
D.W. Griffith
La pièce d'or
D.W. Griffith
The politician's love story
D.W. Griffith
At the altar
D.W. Griffith
His wife's mother
D.W. Griffith
The prussian spy
D.W. Griffith
A fool's revenge
D.W. Griffith
The roue's heart
D.W. Griffith
The wooden leg
D.W. Griffith
The salvation army lass
D.W. Griffith
I did it
D.W. Griffith
The lure of the gown
D.W. Griffith
And a little child shall lead them
D.W. Griffith
The deception
D.W. Griffith
Jones and his new neighbors
D.W. Griffith
The medicine bottle
D.W. Griffith
A drunkard's reformation
D.W. Griffith
The road to the heart
D.W. Griffith
Trying to get arrested
D.W. Griffith
Schneider's anti-noise crusade
D.W. Griffith
A sound sleeper
D.W. Griffith
The winning coat
D.W. Griffith
D.W. Griffith
A troublesome satchel
D.W. Griffith
Lady Helen's escapade
D.W. Griffith
The drive for a life
D.W. Griffith
Lucky Jim
D.W. Griffith
Tis an ill wind that blows no good
D.W. Griffith
The eavesdropper
D.W. Griffith
One busy hour
D.W. Griffith
The note in the shoe
D.W. Griffith
Jones and the lady book agent
D.W. Griffith
The french duel
D.W. Griffith
A baby's shoe
D.W. Griffith
The jilt
D.W. Griffith
D.W. Griffith
Eloping with auntie
D.W. Griffith
Two memories
D.W. Griffith
Eradicating aunty
D.W. Griffith
What drink did
D.W. Griffith
La villa solitaire
D.W. Griffith
Her first biscuits
D.W. Griffith
The peachbasket hat
D.W. Griffith
The way of man
D.W. Griffith
Le collier
D.W. Griffith
The country doctor
D.W. Griffith
The cardinal's conspiracy
D.W. Griffith
Tender hearts
D.W. Griffith
Jealousy and the man
D.W. Griffith
Sweet and twenty
D.W. Griffith
The slave
D.W. Griffith
The mended lute
D.W. Griffith
Mr. Jones' burglar
D.W. Griffith
Mrs. Jones' lover; or, 'I want my hat'
D.W. Griffith
Les renégats de 1776
D.W. Griffith
Le réveil
D.W. Griffith
Lines of white on a sullen sea
D.W. Griffith
Nursing a viper
D.W. Griffith
A Reno romance
Harry Solter
A self-made hero
Harry Solter
Among the roses
Harry Solter
Bear ye one another's burdens
Harry Solter
Harry Solter
His second wife
Harry Solter
His sick friend
Harry Solter
Jane and the stranger
Harry Solter
Justice in the far north
Harry Solter
Mother love
Harry Solter
Old heads and young hearts
Harry Solter
Once upon a time
Harry Solter
Pressed roses
Harry Solter
The blind man's tact
Harry Solter
The broken oath
Harry Solter
The call of the circus
Harry Solter
The count of Montebello
Harry Solter
The doctor's perfidy
Harry Solter
The maelstrom
Harry Solter
The miser's daughter
Harry Solter
The mistake
Harry Solter
The new shawl
Harry Solter
The right of love
Harry Solter
The rosary
Harry Solter
The stage note
Harry Solter
The taming of Jane
Harry Solter
The tide of fortune
Harry Solter
The winning punch
Harry Solter
Harry Solter
The call
D.W. Griffith
The two fathers
Harry Solter
A good turn
Harry Solter
Her two sons
Harry Solter
After all
Harry Solter
Betty's nightmare
Harry Solter
Her cousin Fred
Harry Solter
Not like other girls
Harry Solter
Harry Solter
The chance shot
Harry Solter
The lady Leone
Harry Solter
The mill buyers
Harry Solter
The players
Harry Solter
The winning punch
Harry Solter
In swift waters
Harry Solter
Flo's discipline
Harry Solter
The angel of the studio
Harry L. Solter
A disenchantment
Harry Solter
A mysterious mystery
Harry Solter
Diplomatic Flo
Harry Solter
The honeymooners
George D. Baker
The little mail carrier
Harry Solter
The stepmother
Harry Solter
The woman who won
Harry Solter
A singular cynic
Harry Solter
Star power : The creation of United Artists
Hugh Munro Neely
Filmographie N°52663 - vues 6 fois