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Richard Foster Baker

Réalisateur, acteur

Née en ????


    1911 Lost years
    1914 The fable of the bush league lover who failed to quality
      The fable of the honeymoon that tried to come back
    1915 Rule sixty-three
      Sweedie goes to college
      The fable of elvira and farina and the meal ticket
      The fable of handsome jethro, who was simply cut out to be a merchant
      The fable of hazel's two husbands and what became of them
      The fable of the escape of arthur and the salvation of herbert
      The fable of the roistering blades
      The fable of the sorrows of the unemployed and the danger of changing from bill to Harold
      The fable of the statesman who didn't make good
      The fable of the through train
      The fable of the tip and the treasure
      The fable of the two unfettered birds
      A bunch of keys
    1916 The fable of books made to balance
      The fable of flora and adolph and a home gone wrong
      The fable of how wisenstein did not lose out to buttinsky
      The fable of the fearsome feud between the first families
      The fable of the grass widow and the mesmeree and the six dollars
      The fable of the kittenish super-anns and the world-weary snipes
      The fable of the slim girl who tried to keep a date that was never made
      The fable of the throbbing genius of a tanktown who was encouraged by her folks who were prominent
      The fable of the two philanthropic sons
      The heart of virginia keep
      The little girl next door (avec M. Blair Coan)
    1917 The fable of all that triangle stuff as sized up by the meal ticket
      The fable of the film fed family
      The fable of the girl who took notes and got wise and then fell down
      The fable of the speedy sprite
      The fable of the twelve-cylinder speed of the leisure class
      The fable of the uplifter and his dandy little opus
      The fable of the wandering boy and the wayward parents
      The fable of what the best people are not doing
      The fable of what transpires after the wind-up
      The girl god made for jones
      The ham what was
      The invisible web
      The little missionary
      Three ways out
    1918 Kidder and ko

    1917 On trial (de James Young)

    Filmographie N°68649 - vues 5 fois