Réalisateur |
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1912 |
Life in our ponds |
1913 |
A study of bird life |
Birds of the Inland Marsh |
Curious sea creatures |
Denizens of the deep |
Glimpses of pond life |
Hidden life in sea weed |
Insects that sing |
Lizard lore |
Night birds |
Strange traits of serpents |
The allanthus silkworm |
The ant-lion |
The carrier pigeons |
The cormorant |
The cuttlefish |
The death head moth |
The fish with a storage battery in its brain |
The Jelly fish |
The lizard |
The locust |
The otter |
The pond snail |
The snowy egret and its extermination |
The spider which lives in a bubble |
The spotted elephant hawk moth |
Toad traits |
Tortoises at Close Range |
Vipers at home |
Crabs and lobsters |
Our feathered friends |
Birds and animals of Brazil |
1914 |
At home with the heron |
Some non-poisonous snakes |
Submarine mysteries |
The book of nature |
The deadliest of nature's celebrities |
The hunting spiders |
The marmot |
The poison of serpents |
The termite, the insect architect |
Insects that mimic |
Strange sea water creatures |
1915 |
Friends of the animal wizard |
Insect celebrities |
Insect oddities |
Life of the frog |
Life of the salamander |
Little people in fur |
Marvels of the insect world |
Nature's monstrosities |
Small denizens of the seashore |
Strange mammals at home |
The great aered bat |
Home life of the spider |
1916 |
American bears |
Amphibian oddities |
An alligator hunt |
Foreign deer |
Mexican national history |
Raccoons |
Race suicide (avec George W. Terwilliger) |
The beaver prepares for winter |
1917 |
American deer |
Enemies of the garden |
Feeding the bears |
Feeding the fish-eaters |
Jungle vaudeville |
Monkey capers |
Nature's songsters |
Nature's weavers |
Our vanishing game |
Our world as it appears to the ant |
Royal game |
Sea lions |
Surgery at the zoo |
The animals in midsummer |
The animals of Australia |
The Orang apprentice |
The pigmy circus |
The small cat animals |
The smaller monkeys |
Transporting wild animals |
The larger birds |
1918 |
Adaptation |
Animal traits |
Life in inland waters |
Life in the insect world |
Night animals |
Turtles of all lands |
War times at the zoo |
Wearers of furs and quills |
Wild babies |
Wild goats and sheep |
1919 |
The polar bear |
1921 |
The four seasons |
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Producteur |
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1913 |
Crabs and lobsters (de Raymond L. Ditmars) |
Our feathered friends (de Raymond L. Ditmars) |
Birds and animals of Brazil (de Raymond L. Ditmars) |
1914 |
Insects that mimic (de Raymond L. Ditmars) |
Strange sea water creatures (de Raymond L. Ditmars) |
1915 |
Small denizens of the seashore (de Raymond L. Ditmars) |
Home life of the spider (de Raymond L. Ditmars) |
1917 |
The larger birds (de Raymond L. Ditmars) |
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Scénariste |
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1915 |
Marvels of the insect world (de Raymond L. Ditmars) |