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Affiches (2)

George Marshall (1) (1891-1975)


1955 Screen directors playhouse - The silent partner
1964 Valentine's day - The life you save is yours
  Daniel Boone - Ken-Tuck-E
  Valentine's day - How to live without dying
  Valentine's day - Fraudulent female
  Valentine's day - Call me no cabs
1965 Daniel Boone - The reunion
  Valentine's day - Viva Valentine
  The wackiest ship in the army - The sisters
  Daniel Boone - The old man and the cave
  Daniel Boone - The thanksgiving story
1966 Tarzan (1) - The prisoner
1968 Daniel Boone - The scrimshaw ivory chart
  Daniel Boone - Nightmare
1969 Daniel Boone - A tall tale of prater beaseley
  Daniel Boone - Three score and ten
  Daniel Boone - The allies
  Here's Lucy - Lucy goes to the air force academy: part 1
  Here's Lucy - Lucy goes to the air force academy: part 2
  Here's Lucy - Lucy and the indian chief
  Here's Lucy - Lucy runs the rapids
  Here's Lucy - Lucy and harry's tonsils
  Here's Lucy - Lucy and the andrews sisters
  Here's Lucy - Lucy's burglar's alarm
  Here's Lucy - Lucy at the drive-in movie
  Here's Lucy - Lucy and the used car dealer
  Here's Lucy - Lucy, the cement worker
  Here's Lucy - Lucy and Johnny Carson
1970 Daniel Boone - Before the tall man
1972 The odd couple (1) - A night to dismember
  Sam Cade - Ragged edge
  Hec Ramsey - Hangman's wages
  The odd couple (1) - Oscar's birthday

1955 Screen directors playhouse - The silent partner (de George Marshall (1))

1955 Cavalcade of America - How to raise a boy (de Lewis R. Foster)

Filmographie N°10160 - vues 1 fois