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Milton J. Fahrney (1872-1941)
Réalisateur, scénariste
Née le :
24 juin 1872
Décédée le
26 mars 1941
The law and the man
The sheriff's daughter
A daughter of the mine
A deal in indians
A desperate remedy
A true pal
At Double Cross Ranch
Back in the mountains
Days of '49
Frontier day in the west
In Arizona
In the black hills
On the little big horn
Silver plume mine
Sons of the west
Strayed from the range
The boss of circle E ranch
The bucking broncho
The call of the west
The conquering hero
The cowboy and the lieutenant
The cowboy preacher
The crooked trail
The fighting parson
The girl from the east
The indian princess
The lily of the ranch
The pilgrim
The ranchman's bride
The red man's honor
The tenderfoot
Valley folks
Where the sun sets
Elda of the mountains
The parson and the bully
The white medicine man
A message from the west
A western feud
A western girl's love
Across the divide
Alias Yellowstone Joe
At Cedar Ridge
At Panther Creek
At Perry's ranch
At sunset ranch
Big noise hank
Lone Bill's last ride
Roped and tied
Sleepy hollow
Struck gold
The bridal trail
The cowboy pugilist
The cowpuncher
The end of the trail
The flower of the tribe
The gunfighter
The new ranch owner
The plains across
The Pony Express
The settler's wife
The sheriff's mistake
When the west was wild
His son
The town marshal
A true westerner
The law of the range
A gentleman of fortune
Across the sierras
Al Christie
At rolling forks
Al Christie
Hard luck Bill
The alibi
The double trail
Al Christie
The everlasting judy
The land of might
The obligation
The squatter's child
The undoing of Slim Bill
Uncle Bill
His side pard
How the ranger was cured
The tenderfoot's sacrifice
White cloud's secret
Tracked through the desert
Her indian hero
Al Christie
His only son
Jack Conway
Poisoned waters
The death stone of India
The vortex
The thrilling adventures of Count Verace
A deal in indiana
A harmless flirtation
A night's lodging
A shot gun romance
Doctor Jerry
Father forgot
He's in again
Hearts and clubs
Jerry and the gunman
Jerry to the rescue
Jerry's busy day
Jerry's revenge
Making matters worse
On the job
Safety first
Taking a chance
The double cross
The fighting four
The fighting kid
The holdup
The knockout
The little detective
The little hero
The oriental spasm
The stolen case
The treasure box
Waking up father
A mix-up in males
Distilled spirits
Life's mysteries
A merry mix-up
Around the world
Going up
Jerry and the bandits
Jerry and the blackhanders
Jerry and the counterfeiters
Jerry and the moonshiners
Jerry and the smugglers
Jerry in the movies
Jerry's big game
Jerry's big haul
Jerry's big lark
Jerry's celebration
Jerry's double header
Jerry's elopement
Jerry's millions
Jerry's perfect day
Jerry's stratagem
Making things hum
Movie struck
On the rampage
The conquering hero
The desperate chance
The girl of his dreams
The hero of the E.Z. ranch
The masque ball
The rookie
The traitor
The winning punch
Too proud to fight
When Jerry came to town
Be sure you're right
Jerry and his pal
Jerry and the bully
Jerry and the burglars
Jerry and the outlaws
Jerry and the vampire
Jerry at the waldorf
Jerry in yodel land
Jerry joins the army
Jerry on the farm
Jerry on the railroad
Jerry takes gas
Jerry tries again
Jerry's big deal
Jerry's big doings
Jerry's big mystery
Jerry's big raid
Jerry's boarding house
Jerry's brilliant scheme
Jerry's eugenic marriage
Jerry's finishing touch
Jerry's gentle nursing
Jerry's getaway
Jerry's hopeless tangle
Jerry's jam
Jerry's lucky day
Jerry's master stroke
Jerry's picnic
Jerry's red hot trail
Jerry's romance
Jerry's running fight
Jerry's soft snap
Jerry's star bout
Jerry's trial
Jerry's whirlwind finish
Jerry's winning way
Minding the baby
Officer Jerry
Somewhere in the mountains
The flying target
The gypsy prince
The jewel of death
The lady detective
The ransom
A true westerner
Milton J. Fahrney
The law of the range
Milton J. Fahrney
Filmographie N°48708 - vues 4 fois