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Affiches (2)
Maurice Costello (1) (1877-1950)
Acteur, réalisateur
Né le :
22 février 1877
Pittsburgh - Pennsylvanie - Etats-Unis
Décédé le
28 octobre 1950
Los Angeles - Hollywood - Californie - Etats-Unis
J. Stuart Blackton
The dancer and the king : A romantic story of Spain
J. Stuart Blackton
Richard III
J. Stuart Blackton
Leah the forsaken
Van Dyke Brooke
Ex-convict no. 900
Edwin S. Porter
Antony and Cleopatra
J. Stuart Blackton
Julius Caesar
J. Stuart Blackton
Slippery Jim's repentance
Van Dyke Brooke
The merchant of Venice
J. Stuart Blackton
A midsummer night's dream
J. Stuart Blackton
Réalisateur inconnu
Saul and David
J. Stuart Blackton
The bride of Lammermoor : A tragedy of Bonnie Scotland
J. Stuart Blackton
The duke's Jester or a fool's revenge
J. Stuart Blackton
The gift of youth
Réalisateur inconnu
The plot that failed
Van Dyke Brooke
The power of the press
Van Dyke Brooke
The way of the cross
J. Stuart Blackton
J. Stuart Blackton
Ruy Blas
J. Stuart Blackton
King Lear
J. Stuart Blackton
Les Miserables (Part I)
Réalisateur inconnu
The romance of an umbrella
Réalisateur inconnu
Les misérables
J. Stuart Blackton
Capital vs. labor
Van Dyke Brooke
Convict no. 796
Van Dyke Brooke
Richelieu; or : the conspiracy
J. Stuart Blackton
A pair of schemers; or, my wife and my uncle
Réalisateur inconnu
The girl and the judge; or, a terrible temptation
Réalisateur inconnu
Van Dyke Brooke
J. Stuart Blackton
St. Elmo
Réalisateur inconnu
Through the darkness
Réalisateur inconnu
Love of chrysanthemum
Van Dyke Brooke
Over the garden wall
Réalisateur inconnu
The altar of love
Maurice Costello
Charles Kent
The turn of the balance
Maurice Costello
Uncle Tom's cabin : Part 1
J. Stuart Blackton
Uncle Tom's cabin : Part 2
J. Stuart Blackton
Uncle Tom's cabin : Part 3
J. Stuart Blackton
Back to nature; or, the best man wins
Réalisateur inconnu
Rose leaves
Charles Kent
How she won him
Réalisateur inconnu
The sepoy's wife
Réalisateur inconnu
A woman's love
Réalisateur inconnu
The law and the man
Réalisateur inconnu
A western heroine
Rollin S. Sturgeon
Captain Barnacle, diplomat
Van Dyke Brooke
His wife's secret
Van Dyke Brooke
My old dutch
George D. Baker
Siren of the sea
Réalisateur inconnu
Society and the man
J. Stuart Blackton
The battle hymn of the republic
J. Stuart Blackton
The sacrifice
Van Dyke Brooke
The wooing of Winifred
Van Dyke Brooke
Wages of war
Van Dyke Brooke
Three men and a maid
Réalisateur inconnu
Girl of the mountains
Réalisateur inconnu
The new stenographer
George D. Baker
Un drame d'amour sous la Révolution 1/3
William Humphrey
Un drame d'amour sous la Révolution 2/3
William Humphrey
Un drame d'amour sous la Révolution 3/3
William Humphrey
The inherited taint
Réalisateur inconnu
La vieille maman
Réalisateur inconnu
For love and glory
Van Dyke Brooke
The show girl
Van Dyke Brooke
A dead man's honor
Réalisateur inconnu
For her brother's sake
Réalisateur inconnu
The changing of Silas Marner
Réalisateur inconnu
Proving his love; or, the ruse of a beautiful woman
Réalisateur inconnu
The sleep walker
Van Dyke Brooke
Barriers burned away
Réalisateur inconnu
A quaker mother
Réalisateur inconnu
The geranium
Van Dyke Brooke
She came, she saw, she conquered
Van Dyke Brooke
Two wolves and a lamb
Van Dyke Brooke
The second honeymoon
Van Dyke Brooke
A handsomer man
Réalisateur inconnu
The thumb print
Van Dyke Brooke
Réalisateur inconnu
His sister's children
Réalisateur inconnu
Her hero
Van Dyke Brooke
Auld Lang Syne
Larry Trimble
Who's who
Réalisateur inconnu
An innocent burglar
Van Dyke Brooke
His last cent
Van Dyke Brooke
Love at Gloucester Port
Van Dyke Brooke
Some good in all
Maurice Costello
A mistake in spelling
James Young
A vitagraph romance
James Young
Aunty's romance
George D. Baker
Dr. LaFleur's theory
Van Dyke Brooke
Flirt or heroine
Van Dyke Brooke
For the honor of the family
Van Dyke Brooke
Half a hero
James Young
Lulu's doctor
Van Dyke Brooke
Mrs. Carter's necklace
Van Dyke Brooke
Nemesis !
Van Dyke Brooke
The diamond brooch
Réalisateur inconnu
The jocular winds of fate
Van Dyke Brooke
The law or the lady
Van Dyke Brooke
The old Kent road
Van Dyke Brooke
The old silver watch
Van Dyke Brooke
The picture idol
James Young
The spider's web
Van Dyke Brooke
The two battles
Van Dyke Brooke
Wanted... A grandmother
Réalisateur inconnu
When Roses Wither
James Young
A romance of Wall Street
Van Dyke Brooke
The meeting of the ways
Réalisateur inconnu
Caught in the rain
Réalisateur inconnu
The first violin
Van Dyke Brooke
Winning is losing
Charles L. Gaskill
Her last shot
Réalisateur inconnu
Mrs. 'Enry 'Awkins
Van Dyke Brooke
The way of a man with a maid
Réalisateur inconnu
Counsel for the defense
Van Dyke Brooke
Their golden anniversary
Van Dyke Brooke
The days of terror; or, in the reign of terror
Charles Kent
On the pupil of his eye
Van Dyke Brooke
Van Dyke Brooke
The money kings
Van Dyke Brooke
The adventure of the thumb print
Van Dyke Brooke
The adventure of the retired army colonel
Van Dyke Brooke
Her grandchild
Réalisateur inconnu
The loyalty of Sylvia
Réalisateur inconnu
The adventure of the italian model
Van Dyke Brooke
Bobby's father
Réalisateur inconnu
The adventure of the Smelling Salts
Réalisateur inconnu
As you like it
J. Stuart Blackton
When persistency and obstinacy meet
Réalisateur inconnu
Lord Browning and Cinderella
Van Dyke Brooke
Six o'clock
Réalisateur inconnu
The night before Christmas
Van Dyke Brooke
It all came out in the wash
Maurice Costello
A princess of Bagdad
Charles L. Gaskill
Getting up a practice
W. V. Ranous
Matrimonial manoeuvres
Wilfred North
Mr. Mintern's misadventures
William V. Ranous
On their wedding Eve
Maurice Costello
The adventure of the ambassador's disappearance
Maurice Costello
The adventures of the counterfeit Bills
Maurice Costello
The mystery of the stolen child
W. V. Ranous
The spirit of the orient
Maurice Costello
The taming of Betty
Maurice Costello
The way out
William V. Ranous
What a change of clothes did
Maurice Costello
The interrupted honeymoon
James Young
The two purses
Maurice Costello
The weapon
Maurice Costello
Cinderella's slipper
Maurice Costello
The mystery of the stolen jewels
William V. Ranous
The wrath of Osaka
William V. Ranous
Delayed proposals
James Young
Jack's chrysanthemum
William V. Ranous
The intruder
Wilfrid North
A faithful servant
Maurice Costello
The joys of a jealous wife
Maurice Costello
A maid of Mandalay
Maurice Costello
The clown and the prima donna
Wilfrid North
The lonely princess
Maurice Costello
Cupid versus women's rights
Maurice Costello
The hindoo charm
Maurice Costello
Maurice Costello
The mystery of the Silver Skull
Wilfrid North
The warmakers
Maurice Costello
The sale of a heart
Maurice Costello
Fellow voyagers
Maurice Costello
The golden pathway
Maurice Costello
The education of aunt Georgiana
Maurice Costello
Some steamer scooping
Maurice Costello
The perplexed bridegroom
Maurice Costello
The woman in black
Maurice Costello
Iron and steel
Maurice Costello
Mr. Barnes of New York
Maurice Costello
Her great scoop
Maurice Costello
The acid test
Maurice Costello
Etta of the footlights
Maurice Costello
A sentimental burglar
Maurice Costello
The moonstone of Fez
Maurice Costello
Doctor Smith's baby
Maurice Costello
Love the clairvoyant
Maurice Costello
Through life's window
Maurice Costello
The woes of a waitress
Maurice Costello
The mysterious lodger
Maurice Costello
Bella's elopement
Maurice Costello
The blood ruby
Maurice Costello
The girl in the case
Maurice Costello
The mill of life
Maurice Costello
The mystery of Brayton Court
Maurice Costello
Lola the rat
Maurice Costello
Too much burglar
Maurice Costello
How Cissy made good
George D. Baker
By the governor's order
Maurice Costello
The product
Maurice Costello
The plot
Maurice Costello
A question of right or wrong
Van Dyke Brooke
Van Dyke Brooke
Saints and sinners
Van Dyke Brooke
The dawn of understanding
Van Dyke Brooke
The evil men do
Maurice Costello
The gods redeem
Van Dyke Brooke
The romance of a handkerchief
Van Dyke Brooke
The understudy; or, behind the scenes
Maurice Costello
On the Altar of love
Maurice Costello
The heart of Jim Brice
Maurice Costello
The criminal
Van Dyke Brooke
Rags and the girl
Van Dyke Brooke
The man who couldn't beat god
Maurice Costello
The crown prince's double
Van Dyke Brooke
Tried for his own murder
Van Dyke Brooke
The Crimson Stain Mystery - The brand of Satan
T. Hayes Hunter
The Crimson Stain Mystery - In the demon's spell
T. Hayes Hunter
The Crimson Stain Mystery - The broken spell
T. Hayes Hunter
The Crimson Stain Mystery - The mysterious disappearance
T. Hayes Hunter
The Crimson Stain Mystery - The figure un black
T. Hayes Hunter
The Crimson Stain Mystery - The phantom image
T. Hayes Hunter
The Crimson Stain Mystery - The devil's symphony
T. Hayes Hunter
The Crimson Stain Mystery - In the shadow of death
T. Hayes Hunter
The Crimson Stain Mystery - The haunting spectre
T. Hayes Hunter
The Crimson Stain Mystery - The infernal fiend
T. Hayes Hunter
The Crimson Stain Mystery - The tortured soul
T. Hayes Hunter
The Crimson Stain Mystery - The restless spirit
T. Hayes Hunter
The Crimson Stain Mystery - Despoiling brutes
T. Hayes Hunter
The Crimson Stain Mystery - The bloodhound
T. Hayes Hunter
The Crimson Stain Mystery - The human tiger
T. Hayes Hunter
The Crimson Stain Mystery - The unmasking
T. Hayes Hunter
The girl-woman
Thomas R. Mills
The captain's captain
Tom Terriss
The cambric mask
Tom Terriss
The man who won
Paul Scardon
Human collateral
Lawrence C. Windom
The tower of jewels
Tom Terriss
Deadline at eleven
George Fawcett
Burton George
Joseph Levering
None so blind
Burton King
Man and wife
John L. McCutcheon
The Glimpses of the moon
Allan Dwan
Une affaire ténébreuse
Irvin Willat
Virtuous liars
Whitman Bennett
Week end husbands
E. H. Griffith