Réalisateur |
| |
1897 |
Humorous cartoon |
Political cartoon |
1898 |
Battle of Manila Bay |
Battle of Santiago Bay |
Little mischief |
Tearing down the spanish flag |
The burglar on the roof |
The humpty dumpty circus (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Vanishing lady (avec Albert E. Smith) |
1899 |
'Shamrock' and 'Columbia' rounding the outer stake boat (avec Albert E. Smith) |
'Shamrock' and 'Columbia' yacht race : 1st race, No. 2 (avec Albert E. Smith) |
'Shamrock' and 'Erin' sailing (avec Albert E. Smith) |
A quite little smoke (avec Albert E. Smith) |
A visit to the spiritualist (avec Albert E. Smith) |
After the race : Yachts returning to anchorage (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Astor battery on parade (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Flags of all nations (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Pictures incidentals to yacht race (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Presentation of nation's sword to admiral Dewey (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Raising old glory over Morro castle (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Shamrock' and 'Columbia' jockeying for a start (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Shamrock' and 'Columbia' rounding the outer stake boat, No. 2 (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Shamrock' and 'Columbia' yacht race : First race (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Spot filming of Windsor hotel fire in New York |
The Fitzsimmons-Jeffries fight |
The yogi |
1900 |
Cohen and Coon |
Happy Hooligan |
Hooligan assists the magician (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Maude's naughty little brother (avec Albert E. Smith) |
The clown and the alchimist (avec Albert E. Smith) |
The congress of nations (avec Albert E. Smith) |
The enchanted drawing |
1901 |
'Columbia' winning the cup (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Children bathing (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Happy Hooligan has troubles with the cook (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Harry Thompson's imitations of Sousa (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Hooligan and the summer girls (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Hooligan at the seashore (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Hooligan causes a sensation (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Hooligan takes his annual bath (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Hooligan visits Central Park (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Hooligan's narrow escape (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Jeffries skipping the rope |
Jeffries throwing the medicine ball (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Leaping dogs at Gentry's Circus (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Miniature railway (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Mysterious cafe, or Mr. And Mrs. Spoopendyke have troubles with a waiter (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Panoramic view of Boston subway from an electric car (avec Albert E. Smith) |
Such a headache |
1902 |
Happy Hooligan, nothing but fun |
1905 |
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes |
A gentleman of France |
1906 |
The San Francisco earthquake |
A modern Oliver Twist |
Humorous phases of funny faces |
The automobile thieves |
And the villain still pursued her; or, the author's dream |
1907 |
The mechanical statue and the ingenious servant |
L'hôtel hanté |
A curious dream |
Forty winks; or, A strenuous dream |
Oliver Twist |
Lightning sketches |
The easterner; or, a tale of the west |
The shaughraun |
Liquid electricity; or, the inventor's galvanic fluid |
The fountain of youth |
The ghost story |
The piker's dream, a race track fantasy |
The kitchen maid's dream |
The soldier's dream |
Laughing gas |
A night in dreamland |
Work made easy |
1908 |
East Lynne; or, led astray |
Salome |
The airship; or, 100 years hence |
The dancer and the king : A romantic story of Spain |
The discoverers : A grand historical pageant picturing the discovery and founding of new France, Can... |
The elf king : A norwegian fairy tale |
The gambler and the devil |
The press gang; or, a romance in the time of king George III |
The story of treasure island |
The thieving hand |
The water sprite, a legend of the Rhine |
Western courtship : A love story of Arizona |
Francesca di Rimini; or, the two brothers |
Galvanic fluid; or, more fun with liquid electricity |
Cupid's realm; or, a game of hearts |
Macbeth |
Romeo and Juliet |
A policeman's dream |
Lady Jane's flight |
Love laughs at locksmiths; an 18th century romance |
The viking's daughter : The story of the ancient norsemen |
A workingman's dream |
Richard III (avec William V. Ranous) |
Antony and Cleopatra (avec Charles Kent (1)) |
Barbara Fritchie : The story of a patriotic american woman |
Julius Caesar (avec William V. Ranous) |
Making moving pictures |
The merchant of Venice |
1909 |
A maker of diamonds |
A midsummer night's dream (avec Charles Kent (1)) |
A telepathic warning, the story of a child's love for her father |
Benedict Arnold |
Napoleon and the empress Josephine |
Onawanda; or, an indian's devotion |
Saul and David |
The bride of Lammermoor : A tragedy of Bonnie Scotland |
The duke's Jester or a fool's revenge |
The judgment of Solomon |
The life of Napoleon |
The oriental music |
The way of the cross |
Virginius |
Washington under the british flag |
The castaways |
Ruy Blas |
King Lear (avec William V. Ranous) |
Napoleon, the man of destiny |
Oliver Twist |
Washington under the american flag |
The cobbler and the caliph |
Le stylo magique |
Princess Nicotine; or, the smoke fairy |
Les misérables |
The life of Moses : Part 1 |
The life of Moses : Part 2 |
The life of Moses : Part 3 |
The life of Moses : Part 4 |
The life of Moses : Part 5 |
1910 |
Cupid and the motor boat |
Francesca da Rimini |
The last of the saxons |
Richelieu; or : the conspiracy |
Elektra |
Uncle Tom's cabin : Part 1 |
Uncle Tom's cabin : Part 2 |
Uncle Tom's cabin : Part 3 |
1911 |
Lady Godiva |
Society and the man |
The battle hymn of the republic (avec Laurence Trimble) |
The death of king Edward III |
Le dernier cri des dessins animés (avec Winsor McCay) |
1912 |
Cardinal Wolsey (avec Laurence Trimble) |
The lady of the lake |
Lincoln's Gettysburg address (avec James Young (1)) |
As you like it (avec James Young (1)) |
1913 |
The vengeance of Durand; or, the two portraits |
1915 |
Kidnapped in New York |
L'invasion des Etats-Unis (avec Wilfrid North) |
1916 |
Whom the gods destroy (avec William P. S. Earle) |
1917 |
Le message de la souris |
The judgement house |
Womanhood, the glory of the nation (avec William P. S. Earle) |
The collie market |
A spring idyl |
The little strategist |
Satin and Calico |
The fairy godfather |
The diary of a puppy |
1918 |
Life's greatest problem |
The world for sale |
1919 |
Dawn |
La femme qui aime |
The common cause |
The moonshine trail |
1920 |
De la haine à l'amour |
Invincible obstacle |
Le testament d'Anthony Cole |
Man and his woman |
My husband's other wife |
Passers-by |
Respectable by proxy |
1922 |
A gypsy cavalier |
La glorieuse aventure |
1923 |
La Reine Elisabeth |
Le flot qui monte |
1924 |
Echéance tragique |
Le rustre et la coquette |
The beloved brute |
The clean heart |
Le coeur a beau mentir |
1925 |
The happy warrior |
The redeeming sin |
Tides of passion |
1926 |
Bride of the storm |
Hell-bent for heaven |
The gilded highway |
The passionate quest |
1927 |
The american |
1933 |
The film parade |
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Producteur |
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1898 |
Battle of Manila Bay (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Little mischief (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Tearing down the spanish flag (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
1899 |
'Shamrock' and 'Columbia' rounding the outer stake boat (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
'Shamrock' and 'Columbia' yacht race : 1st race, No. 2 (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
'Shamrock' and 'Erin' sailing (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
A quite little smoke (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
A visit to the spiritualist (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
After the race : Yachts returning to anchorage (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Pictures incidentals to yacht race (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Presentation of nation's sword to admiral Dewey (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Raising old glory over Morro castle (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Shamrock' and 'Columbia' jockeying for a start (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Shamrock' and 'Columbia' rounding the outer stake boat, No. 2 (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Shamrock' and 'Columbia' yacht race : First race (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
1900 |
Cohen and Coon (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Hooligan assists the magician (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Maude's naughty little brother (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
The clown and the alchimist (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
The congress of nations (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
The enchanted drawing (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
1901 |
'Columbia' winning the cup (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Mysterious cafe, or Mr. And Mrs. Spoopendyke have troubles with a waiter (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
The artist's dilemma (de Edwin S. Porter) |
1902 |
Happy Hooligan, nothing but fun (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
1906 |
Humorous phases of funny faces (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
1907 |
Oliver Twist (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Lightning sketches (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
1908 |
East Lynne; or, led astray (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Francesca di Rimini; or, the two brothers (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Macbeth (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Antony and Cleopatra (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Julius Caesar (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
1909 |
A midsummer night's dream (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Ruy Blas (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
King Lear (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Washington under the american flag (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Le stylo magique (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Princess Nicotine; or, the smoke fairy (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
1911 |
The new stenographer (de George D. Baker) |
1912 |
As you like it (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
1918 |
Wild youth (de George Melford) |
1919 |
The littlest scout (de Paula Dean (100)) |
1922 |
La glorieuse aventure (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
1924 |
Le coeur a beau mentir (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
___________________________________ |
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Acteur |
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1896 |
Blackton sketches, no. 2 (de James H. White) |
Blackton sketches, no. 3 (de James H. White) |
Edison drawn by 'World' artist (de James H. White) |
1898 |
Tearing down the spanish flag (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
The burglar on the roof (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
1900 |
Cohen and Coon (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Happy Hooligan (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Hooligan assists the magician (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
The enchanted drawing (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
1901 |
Happy Hooligan has troubles with the cook (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Hooligan and the summer girls (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Hooligan at the seashore (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Hooligan causes a sensation (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Hooligan takes his annual bath (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Hooligan visits Central Park (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Hooligan's narrow escape (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Happy Hooligan april-fooled (de Edwin S. Porter) |
Happy Hooligan surprised (de Edwin S. Porter) |
1902 |
Happy Hooligan, nothing but fun (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
The twentieth century tramp; or, happy hooligan and his airship (de Edwin S. Porter) |
1903 |
Happy Hooligan interferes (de G. W. Bitzer) |
1905 |
A gentleman of France (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
1906 |
Humorous phases of funny faces (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
The automobile thieves (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
1907 |
Lightning sketches (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
1909 |
Le stylo magique (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
___________________________________ |
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Scénariste |
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1898 |
The humpty dumpty circus (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
1900 |
Cohen and Coon (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
1915 |
L'invasion des Etats-Unis (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
___________________________________ |
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Directeur de la photographie |
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1898 |
Admiral Sampson on board the flagship (de James H. White) |
Close view of the 'Brooklyn,' naval parade (de James H. White) |
Lickman's cigar and photo store (de James H. White) |
The 'Glen Island,' accompanying parade (de James H. White) |
The 'Massachusetts,' naval parade (de James H. White) |
The 'Texas,' naval parade (de James H. White) |
Vanishing lady (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
U.S. battleship 'Oregon' (de James H. White) |
Reviewing the 'Texas' at Grant's Tomb (de James H. White) |
Statue of Liberty (de James H. White) |
The fleet steaming up North River (de James H. White) |
1899 |
'Shamrock' and 'Columbia' yacht race : 1st race, No. 2 (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
'Shamrock' and 'Erin' sailing (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
A visit to the spiritualist (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
After the race : Yachts returning to anchorage (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Astor battery on parade (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Flags of all nations (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Pictures incidentals to yacht race (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Presentation of Loving Cup at City Hall, New York (de James H. White) |
Presentation of nation's sword to admiral Dewey (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
1900 |
The congress of nations (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
1901 |
Children bathing (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Harry Thompson's imitations of Sousa (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Jeffries throwing the medicine ball (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Leaping dogs at Gentry's Circus (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Mysterious cafe, or Mr. And Mrs. Spoopendyke have troubles with a waiter (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
Panoramic view of Boston subway from an electric car (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
___________________________________ |
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Superviseur |
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1909 |
Kenilworth (de Réalisateur inconnu) |
1911 |
Un drame d'amour sous la Révolution 1/3 (de William Humphrey (1)) |
Un drame d'amour sous la Révolution 2/3 (de William Humphrey (1)) |
Un drame d'amour sous la Révolution 3/3 (de William Humphrey (1)) |
1913 |
A princess of Bagdad (de Charles L. Gaskill) |
1914 |
Mr. Barnes of New York (de Maurice Costello (1)) |
1918 |
Wild youth (de George Melford) |
1919 |
The littlest scout (de Paula Dean (100)) |
___________________________________ |
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Monteur |
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1922 |
La glorieuse aventure (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
___________________________________ |
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Animation |
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1898 |
The humpty dumpty circus (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
1906 |
Humorous phases of funny faces (de J. Stuart Blackton) |
___________________________________ |
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Auteur |
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1922 |
La glorieuse aventure (de J. Stuart Blackton) |